With the blessings and mercy of Allah (SWT), we are pleased to announce the 2022 Ramadan program at the St. Albert Masjid. The program will entail:
- Daily Tafseer and Quran Halaqas after Fajr Prayer (Surah Al-Baqara); Daily for entire month of Ramadan starting with Tafseer (duration 5 minutes) right after Fajr prayer followed by Recitation, Revision and Memorization of Surah Al-Baqara.
- Daily Halaqas after Asr Prayer (duration 25 minutes): Topic “As-Sahabah”, One Sahabie/Sahabiyaah per day starting with “The Ten that were given the Glad Tidings of Jannah” and moving on to others, alternating a Sahabie and a Sahabiyaah for the balance of Ramadan.
- Taraweeh Prayers: Daily starting 5 minutes after Ishaa prayer.
- Lessons from Surah Al-Hujraat (duration 5 min): Daily in between Taraweeh prayer, right after the first 4 Taraweehs.
- Tahajood Prayer: Last 10 days of Ramadan, starting 2 hours before Fajr prayer.
Please note the Masjid’s Main Floor and Gym areas are dedicated for the brothers and the Masjid’s Second Floor is restricted to the sisters.
I ask Allah (SWT) to bestow His Mercy and Blessings on all of you and your families.
Ramadan Kareem Everyone!